Right after my accident, in the hospital, after all the tests had been done they had concluded that my pelvis/hip was broke(amongst several other things). It was relayed to us that I would have to be transported to SLC or Portland to have the surgery done. A day or two later we were told that 2 doctors decided they could handle the procedure locally. Feeling a little uneasy, one of the doctors came in to the hospital room to introduce himself and explain they would like to do the surgery the following day at 1pm. Danielle quickly spoke up and interrupted the doctor; ''HOLD ON, we were told nobody here could do this procedure and now you guys are wanting to, we don't want a half-ass job done here". After the instant shock of the intestinal fortitude of Danielle's statement wore off, a crack of a half smile came across my face. I knew she had me taken care of.
While I was a bit of a love-aholic during most of my dating years, Danielle was not a girl I had love at first sight for. I didn't even fall in love with Danielle, I grew in love with Danielle. She grew into a partner in life that I thank God for every day. I don't know how I would go through this without her. To have someone that keeps life running while handling hospital and rehab bills, preparing the house and life for my return home, and finding us a new home at the same time is a true blessing.
They say it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes one to help a mx junkie get things together and get through recovery as well. So many pictures are casted everyday on the negative in this world. But there is still a lot of good to be seen. The help and support of all family and friends has been nothing short of a miracle. It has been amazing to see what people are willing to step up and how they will help.
It just reiterates to me the importance of the relationships we build and who we surround ourselves with. The success of life in so many ways are not on us alone but the community we build around us. Thank God once again my community are Champions!
Such a beautiful tribute to your wife and marriage! Thank you for sharing...I look forward to following your journey through your blog. :)